These people make the magic happen!!! One great SCO event after another!!! Thank you for your dedication to our school, community and students!! 💙

SCO sponsored Sundaes with Santa! Great event!!!

SCO sponsored gingerbread house competition!

30+ years of decorating boxes and collecting food for the food bank. We’re the only school in area who does this! Thank you seniors for teaching grades K-3 about non-perishables, and carrying all that food to the van!! Great things happen at SK!

SK presents November birthdays, Food Bank donations and 3rd grade presents The Best Part of Me!

MS Winter Concert

Sweethearts & Heroes Tom Murphy and Rick Yarosh brought a message of H.O.P.E. (Hold On, Possibilities Exist)to SKCS on November 18 & 19. Such a powerful, positive message! Thank you Tom and Rick!!

Wednesday, 12/18
🏀4:45 & 6:00 Boys & Girls Mod vs Worcester @ SK
🏀 5:30 & 7:00Boys JV/V at Stamford

🎶HS Winter Concert tonight at 7:00!🎶

Christmas Spirit Week

Saturday, December 14
🏀8-10 elementary basketball
🏀1:00 Boys Varsity at Morris Tourney
🏀5:30 Girls Varsity at Morris Tourney
Sunday, December 15
🏀8-10 Pardee Open Gym
🥎 10-12 Brown Softball Open Gym
🏀6-8 Adult Open Gym

🏀Varsity at Morris Tournament🏀
5:30 Girls Varsity
7:00 Boys Varsity
Admission will be charged at door🏀

FASFA night


DONATIONS STILL NEEDED! Please consider looking through your items at home and bringing them in on Monday!
The SK elves have been busy getting the annual Holiday Sale ready for the student customers! Sale days are Dec. 10th,11th, and 12th. Please have your child bring in a list of names that they will be shopping for.


🏀Laurens Tourney updates🏀
JV girls game canceled 12/5 is rescheduled for Saturday, 12/7 @ 2:45. If you purchased tickets for this game, you should already have a refund.
There are no other schedule changes for the Tournament at this time.

🏀Basketball tonight🏀
7:00 Girls varsity at Laurens Tourney
All tickets at go.fan.com

Tonight's JV Girls game at Laurens is canceled.

Congratulations to this years Scripp’s Classroom Spelling Bee Winners!!
5th grade - 1st place Carter Burroughs, 2nd place Gage Vitarius, 3rd place
Sorena Sorenson
6th grade - 1st place Keegan Wilcox, 2nd place Liam Wellington-Skog, 3rd
Place Hollyn Tucker
7th Grade - 1st Place Mark Silano, 2nd place Jaithen Hill, 3rd Place Adrian
8th Grade - 1st Place Jon Stewart, 2nd place Ayden Oakley, 3rd Place Jayda Young’s